Can you believe it's almost the end of October?  Many of you have already begun your Christmas planning and preparation, and are chugging ahead toward a fun and enjoyable holiday season.  But I'll be honest, I have not.  For one thing, we just took our first family trip to Walt Disney World at the end of September, and it absorbed my every waking thought for months.  And then I experienced the post-trip let down, which is to be expected.  But I've been so caught up in Disney magic that I haven't even thought about Christmas.  Which is weird, my friends.  I'm always thinking about Christmas!

This weekend I got bit by the Christmas bug, so I've started thinking more about Christmas planning.  As it happens, the FlyLady's Cruise Through the Holidays starts today, so she's been posting several of her essays about holiday planning on her Facebook page.  If you've never read any of FlyLady's essays, I encourage you to go do it.  Especially if you're skeptical about planning ahead.  She just might make you change your mind!

This morning I read her essay "A Stress Free Gift For You" and it made me start thinking-- what would make my holiday season more stress-free?  I'm talking about both Thanksgiving and Christmas.  And the first thing that popped into my head was "clear the clutter."  Now, if your house is perfect all the time, or if you were born organized, this will probably not apply to you.  But I have two daughters who bring home school papers, have toys, art supplies, and what-have-you that get strewn all over the house.  And then there's the clutter that my husband and I add to it, albeit unintentionally.  Add that up and you've got a clutter monster that I am constantly fighting.  FlyLady calls it "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome," or "CHAOS."

In a short month, it will be time for Thanksgiving, and my family has Thanksgiving at our house.  My house can't be in CHAOS for that.  So I am committing today to tackle a little bit of clutter at a time for the next few weeks, so that my house will be clutter free by the time Thanksgiving rolls around, and stay that way for the Christmas season.  It's hard to decorate around clutter!

I'll try to post updates on my Facebook page if anyone is interested in following along. Please feel free to join me.  And let me know what would make your holidays more stress-free.  Let's de-stress together!



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