Is everyone having a lovely Fall?  It's been flying by for me.  I've been quite busy, which is why I haven't been able to keep up with the blog.  I've had the wonderful experience of being a part of my sister's wedding last week.  The last few months have been a whirlwind of last minute preparations, planning a shower, and all the other fun joyful stuff that accompanies a wedding.  It's been great, but now I'm ready to dive back in and start talking about Christmas!  I can assure you that I've been thinking about it quite a bit!

On our way home from the wedding last Saturday I started making Christmas gift lists.  Now, you all know that I dearly love my  Christmas binder.  It is the best way to stay organized and keep track of everything you need to do for the holidays.  But what happens if, say, you're out shopping, you don't have your binder with you, and you can't remember if you've bought a certain gift yet?  Or perhaps you're traveling back from your sister's wedding in Charleston, you don't have your binder handy, and you want to start making Christmas gift lists?  (Hypothetically.)

That's where Santa's Bag comes in.  I downloaded the Santa's Bag app last year and while I didn't use it to its full potential then, I think this year it is going to be a very important tool for me.  Let me show you how it works.  (I grabbed this image off the Santa's Bag website.  Dear Santa's Bag people, I hope that's okay.  I really like your app.  Are we cool?)

When you open the app, the first thing you see is this screen.  It tells you how many days are left until Christmas and an overview of your budget.  I feel sorry for this person who has $700 worth of gifts to buy and only eight days left until Christmas.  That's why it's important to plan ahead, folks!  Procrastination is the enemy of Christmas joy. 

This is the recipients screen.  You can view it several different ways-- by name alphabetically, by group, or by status.  I really like to view by group.  You can create your own custom groups.  I have groups for the different branches of my family and a group for teachers.

Then, you can view each recipient in their own profile screen.  Here is where you keep lists of what you plan to buy, sizes, budgets, and notes.  When you enter a gift, you can also enter what store you plan to buy it from and how much it costs.  Then you can sort gifts by store to see what all you need to buy from each place.  Once you finish buying for each recipient, you can mark them as complete.  Handy!

You can password protect the app to keep prying eyes away from your lists.  That's one thing that's hard to do with a binder!  If any of you can figure out how to password protect your binder, I'd like to hear about it.

When I bought the app last year I went ahead and created recipient profiles and groups for all of our family members.  So this year, all I had to do was archive the gifts I entered last year (again, handy) and start new lists.

The only drawback to this app is that it appears to be only available to Apple users (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch).  But if you're an Apple user, I think you'll find this app indispensable to your Christmas gift planning!

This is an unsolicited review-- I bought this app with my very own money and ClayPot Software has no idea who I am.  I just liked it and wanted to share!



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