Have you tried Pinterest yet?  If not, get ready for a new addiction!  It's so much fun.  You can pin photos from anywhere online and keep them on pinboards.  They look like this:

You can add as many pinboards as you'd like.  It's a great way to organize ideas that you've seen online in a really creative and visual way.  You know how it is-- you see a great recipe or craft idea online and you bookmark it only to forget about it later.  Well, with Pinterest, you can pin them onto a board and never forget about them again! 

I've started a Pinterest account for Christmas Rapping.  You can find me at pinterest.com/cmasrapping/.  Or just click this button:
Follow Me on Pinterest

At the moment I have boards for crafts, gift ideas, goodies, recipes, trees, wreaths, ornaments, Christmas decor, Christmas binders, party ideas, how-tos, and printables.  So head on over and follow me!


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