I am pleased and amazed to share with you that I was interviewed for an article in the Gift Wrapped Holiday Guide, which is published by The Post and Courier of  Charleston, SC.  The article is about Christmas traditions, and I talked about our nativity.  Specifically, about my oldest daughter's propensity to play with it. 

I leave our nativity out where my daughters can play with it.  I used to work with a lady years ago who told me that she let her children play with her nativity and that always stuck with me.  One story she told was that she came into the living room to find all the nativity figurines-- shepherds, wise men, animals and all-- crammed into the stable together.  She asked her son why and he replied solemnly, "it was raining."

A couple years ago, I came into my own living room to find the nativity figurines lined up like this:

They were having a parade, in case you're wondering.  Jesus is up front, obviously, followed by the animals and wise men.  Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds bring up the rear of the parade perched on a DVD case.  My sister observed that it must be their float.

If you'd like to read the article, head over to the Gift Wrapped Holiday Guide website and click under "Holiday Gift Print Edition."  The article starts on page 24. My sincere thanks to the author, Stephanie Burt, for including me in her article.  Thank you Stephanie!


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