I am constantly amazed at the talent and creativity expressed in the world of blogging.  There are some seriously amazing bloggers out there, and they have some great ideas.  Especially when it comes to homemade gifts.

If you're like me, then "homemade Christmas gift" probably brings to mind things like macrame toilet paper cozies or Santas made out of newspaper.  (Anybody else's Grandma ever have a newspaper Santa Claus?)  But I'm here to tell you that I've seen some homemade Christmas gifts out there that put the stuff in the stores to shame.

First, check out this play kitchen by Out of the Crayon Box.  Seriously, go look at the pictures.  It will blow your mind.  She gives step by step instructions on how to turn a yard-sale night table into a play kitchen with burners and a sink.  There's even a Flickr group with photos of kitchens that other folks have made using her tutorials.  Amazing!  And once you've made your play kitchen, make some felt food to go with them. There's some more felt food here, too with instructions on how to make them.  (Big thanks to Mississippi Mama for the link!)

If you're handy with a sewing machine and have little girls in your life, check out this adorable smocket at The Mayfly.  She even includes the pattern on her site that you can download for free!

If you've seen any amazing craft projects online, please link them in the comments!



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